Zoom Meeting Attendance

The Mayor is issuing the following rules for the said meeting in order to promote social distancing as required in the Governor’s Executive Orders and Disaster Proclamations as well as state guidelines. The Capacity guidelines will only allow a limited number .

The information on how to attend via Zoom will be in substantially the following form: “Notice regarding meeting and public testimony rule modification due to covid-19″ pursuant to the recently amended Illinois Open Meetings Act allowing less than a quorum in-person attendance by members of a public body during the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation, all Trustees of the Village of Hanna City will likely not be physically present for the Council Meeting, but will instead be participating in the meeting through audio/video access using a virtual meeting platform. 

Public comments will be heard as would normally provided on the agenda for the meeting. Those attending through Zoom will be required to provide their name and address. The meeting will be recorded.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID

Meeting ID: 996 597 3925

Join by telephone

+1 312 626 6799