Electric Aggregation Program

Dear Hanna City Resident –

We recognize many of you have received letters regarding electric aggregation over the last several weeks. Please know the Village has and will continue to search for the best electric aggregation provider for our residents. Below please find an update the Village received from Good Energy, the vendor we have used for the past several years.


 Good Morning:

Spiking prices and supply shortages prevented us from securing a contract for our aggregation programs in your community’s program.  Participants will be returned to Ameren Illinois supply effective with the June billing cycles. Customers do not need to take any action for their accounts transition to utility supply.  Ameren has been sending confirmation notices to account holders.

Energy markets have experienced a significant price spike through the Winter and Spring, and these skyrocketing prices are reflected in Ameren’s  recently announced utility rates for residential and small business customers.  The annual average for Ameren’s current residential rates is approximately 12 cents per kwh, and represents a dramatic increase for all electric consumers in the Ameren service area.

Alternative suppliers such as Homefield Energy, who has been the aggregation program’s supplier since its inception, are not offering prices that are competitive with the utility’s published rates, despite the significant increase in prices.  This means that customers returning to Ameren’s supply will most likely remain with the utility until next May due to the utility rule requiring such customers to remain on utility supply for 12 consecutive months.

While these market conditions are unprecedented, we do not expect the current pricing levels or generation supply shortages to endure for the long term.  We continue to communicate with suppliers, including some new entrants to the Southern Illinois market, about future energy supply for our purchasing group.   We fully expect to resume the program in May 2023, and will update you as we make progress in following market developments.

The Village is currently working with a consultant to monitor the situation and search for the best option.  Currently it appears that is for residents to work directly with Ameren. 

If that should change we will certainly let all Hanna City residents know.

Best Regards,

Anthony “Tony” Fryxell
Village of Hanna City